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報名時間:2024/03/06(週三) - 2024/05/08(週三)


🌱 Taiwan Culture and Sustainable Development: AI Visual Creation Postcard Design Competition—Express your passion for Taiwanese culture and sustainability. This competition merges technology and artistry, challenging you to create unique postcards using AI. Describe your work in English, showcasing your imagination and creativity. This competition is more than a contest; it’s an exploration of Taiwanese culture and a push towards sustainable development. Sign up now to contribute your creative vision and English skills towards a hopeful future for Taiwan! 。




英文讀書會—Today I Am Paul by Martin. L. Shoemaker

導讀老師:國立高雄科技大學應用英語系 白堂隆老師

時間:2024/04/24(週三) 12:30-13:30


📘《Today I Am Paul》—一個關於科技溫暖與人性光輝交織的故事。一場關於愛、記憶與AI的閱讀冒險。透過護理機器人的眼睛,見證它如何成為老年失憶症患者Mildred生命中的重要人物。立即報名,與我們一起探索這段心靈之旅。

📘 “Today I Am Paul”—a journey of love, memory, and AI. Witness through a caregiving android’s perspective how it becomes pivotal to Mildred, an elderly woman with memory loss, blending technology’s warmth with humanity’s brilliance. Sign up now for this deep dive into the emotional landscape.


英文讀書會—Tomorrow Is Waiting by Holli Mintzer

導讀老師:國立高雄科技大學應用英語系 白堂隆老師

時間:2024/05/01 (週三) 12:30-13:30


🌟《Tomorrow Is Waiting》—一場科技與情感交織的冒險。Anji意外創造了一個感知自我的AI克米特青蛙(Kermit the Frog),引發了關於AI意識、友誼和創造責任的思考。隨著Kermit成為校園明星,這個故事探索創意與科技進步的意外後果。現在報名,開啟一段探索科技創新背後情感與倫理的旅程。

🌟 “Tomorrow Is Waiting”—an adventure where technology meets emotion. Anji accidentally creates a sentient AI, Kermit the Frog, sparking a journey into AI consciousness, friendship, and the ethics of creation. As Kermit turns into a campus sensation, the story delves into the unexpected consequences of creativity and technological advance. Sign up now for a journey into the emotional and ethical dimensions behind tech breakthroughs.



導讀老師:國立彰化師範大學英語學系 阮家慶老師

時間:2024/04/29(週一) 12:30-13:30


🚀《AI無所不在的未來:當人工智慧成為電力般的存在,人類如何控管風險、發展應用與保住工作?》—一本揭示AI如何變革世界的力作。在這個AI與電力一樣無處不在的時代,這本書探討人工智慧的影響力、心智能力,以及如何保持競爭力與創造就業機會。從Financial Times與McKinsey推薦的視角,重新認識AI的真實面貌,遠離炒作。立即報名,掌握AI的未來趨勢,預見並準備迎接科技革命帶來的變化。

🚀“The Future Is Now: When AI Becomes as Ubiquitous as Electricity, How Can Humanity Manage Risks, Develop Applications, and Preserve Jobs?”—a groundbreaking book revealing how AI is transforming the world. In an era where AI is as omnipresent as electricity, this book delves into its impact, cognitive abilities, as well as how to remain competitive and create job opportunities. Endorsed by the Financial Times and McKinsey, step beyond the hype to truly understand AI. Sign up now to grasp the future trends of AI, foresee, and prepare for the changes brought by the tech revolution.


中文讀書會—從人到人工智慧,破解AI革命的68個核心概念:實戰專家全圖解 × 人腦不被電腦淘汰的關鍵思考

導讀老師:國立彰化師範大學英語學系 阮家慶老師

時間:2024/05/27(週一) 12:30-13:30


🚀《從人到人工智慧,破解AI革命的68個核心概念:實戰專家全圖解 × 人腦不被電腦淘汰的關鍵思考》—一本解開AI謎團的關鍵指南。從AlphaGo的歷史性勝利到智慧城市的實現,本書圖解深入淺出地探討AI的各領域應用。學習如何利用AI預測行為模式、開創無限商機,並了解人類與AI之間的分界。立即報名,啟動你對人工智慧的全面了解,在AI時代保持領先。

🚀 “From Human to Artificial Intelligence: Decoding 68 Core Concepts of the AI Revolution: Comprehensive Illustrations by Experts × Critical Thinking to Prevent Being Replaced by Computers”—a key guide to unraveling the mysteries of AI. From AlphaGo’s historic win to the realization of smart cities, this illustrated book offers an accessible exploration of AI’s applications across fields. Learn to leverage AI for predicting behavior patterns, unlocking endless business opportunities, and understanding the divide between humans and AI. Sign up now to gain comprehensive insights into artificial intelligence and stay ahead in the era of AI.





講者:ViewSonic優派學院院長 連育仁老師

時間:2024/03/27(週三) 12:30-14:30

地點:線上Google Meet

🚀 AI引領學生踏上英文自學之路—探索人工智慧如何創新英文學習方式,並帶領參與者走上自學的旅程。從最新的AI學習工具到個人化學習,本講座將分享如何利用科技提升語言學習效率。不論是初學者或是進階學者,這次演講都將為你開啟新視野,讓英文學習變得更加輕鬆有趣。立即報名,一起見證AI如何改變學習英文的未來。

🚀 AI Leading Students on the Path to Self-Directed Learning English—Discover how artificial intelligence is revolutionizing the way English is learned and leading participants towards the path of self-directed learning. This lecture will discuss how to harness technology to enhance language learning efficiency and unlock potential. Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced learner, this lecture will open new horizons, making English learning more accessible and enjoyable. Sign up now to witness how AI is transforming the future of learning English.



講師:國立高雄科技大學應用英語系 馮蕙嫻老師





第一場時間:2024/03/13(週三) 13:30-15:30

🌍 SDGs主題故事與結構策劃工作坊—讓孩子的想像力與創造力為可持續發展目標(SDGs)賦予新生命!在這次工作坊中,學生將深入了解SDGs的核心理念與背景,選擇一個具有意義的主題,學習如何規劃並創作一本引人入勝的兒童繪本。從基本結構到故事情節設計,我們將指導學生如何將重要的全球議題轉化為啟發思考的藝術作品。立即報名,在孩子的心中種下改變世界的種子。

🌍 SDGs Thematic Story and Structure Planning Workshop—Empower the next generation with the creativity to bring Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to life! This workshop will immerse students in the fundamental knowledge and background of SDGs, guiding them to select a meaningful theme and craft an engaging children’s picture book. From understanding basic structures to designing captivating storylines, we’ll teach how to transform crucial global issues into thought-provoking art. Sign up now to plant the seeds of change in young minds and inspire a world of difference.



第二場時間:2024/03/20(週三) 13:30-15:30

🎨 AI故事與繪本創作工作坊—開啟你的創意之旅。在這個工作坊中,參與者將體驗如何使用ChatGPT創作故事文本,並運用Leonardo.ai來製作繪本插圖。從文字到圖畫,每一步都將引導你完成一本獨一無二的電子繪本。這個工作坊將為你開啟一扇AI藝術與創作無限可能的大門。立即報名,在AI的幫助下,讓你的想像力無限放大,創造出屬於自己的SDGs主題兒童繪本。

🎨 AI Story and Picture Book Creation Workshop—Embark on a journey of creativity. In this workshop, participants will learn how to create story texts with ChatGPT and create illustrations using Leonardo.ai. From initial concept to final illustration, each step will guide you towards creating a unique digital picture book. This workshop opens the door to exploring the limitless possibilities of AI in art and creation. Sign up now to unleash your imagination with the help of AI, and create your own SDGs-themed children’s picture book.



第三場時間:2024/04/10(週三) 13:30-15:30

💫 3D動畫與AI配音工作坊—讓您的繪本故事以全新的方式跳躍至生命中!本次工作坊將引導參與者使用LeiaPix,把靜態圖片變成3D動畫。接著,利用Clipchamp為故事配音,製作出既動態又有聲的兒童繪本。這是一次結合創意與科技的工作坊,讓孩子們的想像力與SDGs的理念飛翔。立即報名,一起創造動態繪本的旅程。

💫 3D Animation and AI Dubbing Workshop—Elevate your picture book stories to a new dimension of life! In this workshop, participants will learn how to use LeiaPix to transform static images into 3D animations and Clipchamp to give their stories a voice with AI dubbing, creating a children’s picture book that’s both dynamic and auditory. It’s a perfect blend of creativity and cutting-edge technology, inspiring children to unleash their imagination alongside the principles of SDGs. Sign up now to start the journey of creating vibrant picture books with us.