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主辦單位: 國立高雄科技大學應用英語系

時間:  110123 (星期五)

地點: 國立高雄科技大學第一校區圖資館6樓國際會議廳

Be an SDGs Youth Advocate!







110123(星期五) 下午13:30-17:30


國立高雄科技大學 第一校區圖資館6樓國際會議廳


越來越多全球性的問題不斷在發生,如:氣候變遷、環境汙染、資源耗竭、塑膠垃圾氾濫、貧富不均、教育資源匱乏、糧食危機、性別歧視、失業與低薪等,這些問題都深深影響人類社會的永續發展。為此,聯合國於2015年提出「翻轉我們的世界:2030 年永續發展方針」(Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development),並發佈了17項永續發展目標 (Sustainable Development Goals, 簡稱SDGs) 169細項目標。SDGs從「經濟成長」、「社會進步」、「環境保護」三大面向永續發展,指出全球面臨共同的問題,期望在2030 年前,全球各國合作實踐這17項永續發展目標,SDGs因此成為全球推動永續發展的共同語言與策略架構。身為地球村的一份子,我們都應深入瞭解如何落實SDGs,為全球永續發展盡一份心力!

  • 聯合國永續發展目標 (SDGs)之相關說明,可參考下列網站:

  • 英文網站:
  1. Take Action for the Sustainable Development Goals
  2. Make the SDGs a Realty
  3. Sustainable Development Report 2021
  • 中文網站:
  1. 聯合國永續發展目標(SDGs)說明
  2. 聯合國永續發展目標SDGs 你我都不能缺席 2019/04/30
  3. SDGs 專欄/世界正在翻轉!認識聯合國永續發展目標 2016/04/12
  4. SDGs 專欄/臺灣如何實踐聯合國永續發展目標?2016/04/12



  1. 自行選定一項SDGs相關之全球性問題說明此問題對永續發展之嚴重性與影響層面 (*請注意上述問題」指的 problem 而非question)
  2. 針對自選之問題,找到至少2個國家(其中一國可為台灣)的政府或企業已在實施或執行的解決方案。請以個案研究方式說明與分析其解決方案。
  3. 針對自選之問題,以青年角度提出行動方案建議


  1. 全國大專校院具有正式學籍之學生(不含交換生),對SDGs有理念、有想法,願意用英文為SDGs倡議發聲者。參賽者不限系所、不限年級、不限國籍。
  2. 2-4組隊報名參賽 (可同系級或跨系級;可本籍生與外籍生組隊),各組參賽學生須有指導老師一名。
  3. 每校限最多3報名參賽 (若一校超過3隊報名,則由該校自行協調;協調不成將由主辦單位抽籤選出3隊參賽)


  1. 發表語言為英文。
  2. 發表時須至少2人發表,由隊伍自行決定發表者 (一人發表之隊伍不予計分)
  3. 發表時間:  6-8分鐘 (計時員將於6分鐘時按一聲短鈴提示、7分鐘時按兩聲短鈴提示、8分鐘按一聲長鈴提醒並請發表者立即停止簡報);發表時間未達 6分鐘、或超過  8分鐘之組別,每 10秒將扣總成績 1分,以此類推。
  4. 競賽出場順序由主辦單位抽籤決定,對抽籤結果不得有異議。
  5. 競賽時不按出場順序出場或屢次叫號不到者,以自動棄權論。
  6. 遇有同分情形時,由評審委員開會決定優勝順序。
  7. 參賽者表現如未達水準,得由評審委員決議獎項從缺。
  8. 發表內容有引用文獻之處,請務必註明出處及參考資料。違反學術倫理者,將取消其參賽與得獎資格。
  9. 如有未盡事宜,依主辦單位裁決。


  1. 由主辦單位邀請學界及業界專家學者組成評審小組,進行英文提案簡報評審。
  2. 評分項目:
    倡議內容 (切題度、說服力、創新性、可行性):  60%
    英語表達能力 (準確度、流暢度、發音、用字):  30%
    台風 (肢體語言、自信展現、團隊合作、服裝儀態):  10%


  1. 第一名: 頒發獎狀一紙、獎金10,000
  2. 第二名: 頒發獎狀一紙、獎金8,000
  3. 第三名: 頒發獎狀一紙、獎金6,000
  4. 佳作(2-3) : 頒發獎狀一紙、獎金3,000
  5. 入圍(2-3) : 頒發獎狀一紙、獎金2,000






  1. 即日起至 1101119(星期五)下午17:30前於線上完成報名。
  2. 報名網址:https://forms.gle/8k1TeBYRqoTaYwZN9 上網填妥報名相關資料。
  3. 報名完成後,簡報檔須於1101126(星期五)下午17:30前上傳。


  1. 本競賽為參賽者須到會場進行實體發表,惟若遇疫情嚴重無法舉辦實體發表時,將改為線上發表,主辦單位屆時會再通知參賽者。
  2. 凡報名競賽參賽者,視同接受主辦單位所公告之競賽要點及各項公告、規則與評審結果,若有違反之情事,主辦單位有權取消其競賽或得獎資格。
  3. 參賽隊伍保證所提供與填報之各項資料,不得侵害他人之智慧財產權,如與事實不符或侵害他人權益之情況,主辦單位有權取消其競賽或得獎資格,該隊伍並應負一切相關責任。
  4. 參賽隊伍於競賽期間所產生之各項資料,如簡報或影片等,其相關之智慧財產權為原參賽隊伍成員所擁有,惟須無償授權給本校使用。
  5. 本校為活動聯繫之目的,須蒐集參賽人員之姓名、電話、單位(系所)、E-mail等個人資料,以在本次活動期間及地區內進行必要之聯繫。
  6. 如競賽活動期間因不可抗力之因素,主辦單位有權更改活動內容、取消或改期。



聯絡地址:824 高雄市燕巢區大學路 1      

聯絡人: 國立高雄科技大學應用英語系 系秘 陳美伶小姐

Email:  joyce@nkust.edu.tw







2021 National Collegiate

United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Youth Advocates – English Proposal Contest

Organizer: Department of English

National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology (NKUST)

Time: 13:30-17:30, December 3, 2021 (Friday)

Location: NKUST (First Campus), Library 6F, International Conference Hall

Be an SDGs Youth Advocate!

Be an SDGs Youth advocate with ideas and inspirations. Aspire to learn about the global effort in implementing SDGs. Contribute to sustainable development of the world.



Information on SDGs:
Global problems such as climate change, environmental pollution, resource depletion, plastic waste, income inequality, unemployment and low wages continue to occur, which all deeply affect the sustainable development of our society. To this issue, the United Nations proposed "Transforming Our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development" in 2015, and issued 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and 169 detailed targets. SDGs focus on sustainable development from the dimensions of economic growth, social progress and environmental protection, addressing our common problems. By 2030, countries around the globe will pursue these 17 sustainable development goals. SDGs will thus become the common language and strategic framework for global sustainable development. As a member of the ‘Global Village,’ we should all develop an in-depth understanding of how to implement SDGs for the benefit of the world! 圖片
Reference materials on UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):

  • English:
  1. Take Action for the Sustainable Development Goals
  2. Make the SDGs a Realty
  3. Sustainable Development Report 2021
  • Chinese:
  1. A Description on UN SDGs
  2. “UN SDGs: No Absentees,” April 30, 2019
  3. SDGs Column /Understanding the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations,” April 12, 2016
  4. SDGs Column / “How Does Taiwan implement the UN Sustainable Development Goals?” April 12, 2016


The proposal must contain the following three items:

  1. Choose one global issue/problem related to SDGs to explain its severity and impact on sustainable development.
  2. For the issue/problem you choose, find solutions that the governments or enterprises of at least 2 countries (may include Taiwan) have implemented. Please explain and analyze these solutions in the form of case studies.
  3. For the issue/problem you choose, propose an action plan from the perspective of the youth.


  1. Formally enrolled students (excluding exchange students) from universities across Taiwan, have ideas about SDGs, and are willing to speak for SDGs in English. Domestic, foreign, undergraduate and graduate students of all departments are welcome to sign up for the competition.
  2. Register as a team of 2-4 people (same or cross-department both welcome; domestic and foreign students may form a team); each team must have an advisor.
  3. A maximum of 3 teams per university (please coordinate beforehand if a university has more than 3 teams; if not, the organizer will draw lots to select 3 teams).


  1. The presentation has to be delivered in English.
  2. At least 2 people are required to deliver the presentation. Each team decides who to present on the stage (a team with only 1 person presenting will not be scored).
  3. Presentation Time: 6 to 8 minutes (the timekeeper will press a short bell reminder at 6 minutes, two short bell reminders at 7 minutes, and a long bell reminder at 8 minutes and ask the presenter to stop the presentation immediately). If the presentation is shorter than 6 minutes or longer than 8 minutes, 1 point will be deducted for every 10 second short or in excess.
  4. The order of presentation will be determined by a random draw conducted by the organizer. No objections to the draw results are allowed.
  5. Those who do not appear in the order of presentation during the contest or fail to respond to repeated calls will be considered as automatic abstention.
  6. In the case of a tie score, the judges will meet to determine the order of winning.
  7. If the performance is below standard, the judges may decide that the awardee is absent.
  8. For the presentation content, proper citation of sources and reference materials is required where necessary. Those who violate academic ethics will be disqualified for participation and awards.
  9. For any matters not covered above, the organizer shall make a ruling.


  1. The organizer invites scholars and industry experts to form a scoring team to evaluate the presentation in English.
  2. Scoring Items:
    Content of proposal (topic relevance, persuasiveness, innovation, feasibility):  60%
    English-speaking skills (accuracy, fluency, pronunciation, word choice): 30%
    Delivery skills (gesture & posture, confidence display, teamwork, attire & demeanor): 10%


  1. First Place: A certificate of merit and a prize of NT$ 10,000
  2. Second Place: A certificate of merit and a prize of NT$ 8,000
  3. Third Place: A certificate of merit and a prize of NT$ 6,000
  4. Honorable Mention (2-3 teams): A certificate of merit and a prize of NT$ 3,000
  5. Nomination Award (2-3 teams): A certificate of merit and a prize of NT$ 2,000

All the contestants: A certificate of participation will be issued.

The list of winners will be announced immediately after the competition and posted on the organizer's website.

If the number of entries is insufficient, the judges may decide to delete the Honorable Mention and Nomination Awards.


  1. Complete the online registration from now until 17:30, November 19, 2021 (Friday). *Registration URL: https://forms.gle/vLAwDMFL6sk8ndpM9   
  2. After registration, the presentation file must be uploaded before 17:30, November 26, 2021 (Friday).
    *File Upload URL: https://forms.gle/4UX75QGuc9HibnWT9
    Late submissions are not accepted.
    The file format of the presentation is limited to PPT or PDF. The first slide of the presentation should indicate the topic of the proposal. Please do not mention the participants’ university, department or class.

Please Note:

  1. Participants must be present at the venue for on-site presentation. However, if on-site presentation cannot be held due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it shall be changed to online presentation. The organizer will notify the participants.
  2. All participants who register for the contest shall be deemed to have accepted the regulations, rules and scoring results announced by the organizer. In case of violation, the organizer may cancel the eligibility or award qualifications of the participants.
  3. The participating team guarantees that the information provided will not infringe the intellectual property rights of others. If misrepresentation or infringement occurs, the organizer has the right to cancel its participation or award qualifications, and the team shall bear all relevant responsibilities.
  4. The relevant intellectual property rights of all materials generated by the participating teams during the contest (e.g., presentation files or videos) are owned by the original participating team members. However, they must be authorized for use by the university free of charge.
  5. For the purpose of contacting, the university collects the participants’ names, phone numbers, departments, e-mail addresses and other personal information within the region and time span of the contest.
  6. In the case of force majeure during the contest, the organizer reserves the right to change the content, cancel or reschedule the contest.

Contact Us:

Department of English, National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology

Address: No.1, University Rd., Yanchao Dist., Kaohsiung City 824

Contact: Ms. Joyce Chen

E-mail: joyce@nkust.edu.tw

Phone: 07-6011000 ext. 35102

Fax: 07-6011062







